Milissa Rush RMT Ltd

physiotherapy-567021_1920Massage therapy treatment offered with the intention of reducing stress, relieving discomfort and increasing body awareness. Milissa has over a decade of experience collaborating with her clients to design their ultimate treatment. The best massage is the one you have input into and her primary concern is your comfort

Milissa has had a life long love of human anatomy and is passionate about sharing her knowledge with her clients to support their wellness. She obtained her BSc from SFU in 2004 and her diploma in massage therapy from MH Vicars School of Massage in 2009. She spent the first decade of her career in a physical therapy clinic where she honed her assessment skills and broadened her experience in treating a wide variety of people including those recovering from major accidents, surgeries and other injuries. She is also extremely interested in the role of our nervous system in our healing and how massage helps us to be more aware of our body as a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. She integrates relaxation, deep tissue, fascial gliding, stretching, joint movement and body awareness into her treatments. Her approach is biopsychosocial in nature and encourages client involvement and autonomy within the therapeutic relationship.

Massage office located at Healing Hands
Qualicum Beach, BC

30 minute massage therapy appointment $70

45 minute massage therapy appointment $100

60 minute massage therapy appointment $120

75 minute massage therapy appointment $155

90 minute massage therapy appointment $175

All fees are GST inclusive


“I’ve gone from having nagging chronic back and body pain to being able to push my body to the limits and being able to release and relieve the same muscles that had been holding me back for some many. Since starting Essentrics my balance, strength and flexibility have improved drastically and I feel 10 years younger, have more energy and confidence and sleep better at night!

I would HIGHLY recommend Milissa’s class as well as her amazing massages to anyone and everyone!”

– Clint


“I have always maintained a very active lifestyle. However, I have had frozen shoulder twice but since starting with Essentrics I have noticed increased shoulder mobility. Essentrics has also increased my strength, balance, flexibility, and tone. I love the classes for the instruction, the music, my personal growth journey and how stress just melts away through the class.

Milissa’s instruction is EXCEPTIONAL! She is always looking for ways to help her clients improve their movements using the Essentrics exercises.” 

– Diane


I go to a chiropractor twice a week to help me stay off heavy pain medication due to a motor vehicle accident. After only one Essentrics class with Milissa my chiropractor was amazed at how easily my shoulder slid into place. After my second class I was able to plant my large garden that night without the usual garden planting/bending over leg and back pain the next day. Thank you Milissa, this flexibility, mobility and ease of pain after only two classes has me excited about what else Essentrics can do for my body.

– Debbie


I have been seeing Milissa for a few years now. I have a chronic lower back condition that was made worse by crashing on my mountain bike and breaking 3 vertebrae. Milissa has helped me become active again by helping to reduce scar tissue, mobilize my joints and stretch my muscles. Her knowledge of anatomy and the techniques she uses make her treatments very effective.  I highly recommend her!

– Evelyne

I have been doing Essentrics with Milissa for over two years, during this time I have become stronger and more flexible. I no longer have pain or discomfort in my body, all of these improvements can be directly related to regular Essentrics classes!  
I have gone to Milissa regularly for over seven years for massage and during that time I regularly required extra attention to various parts like my arms, shoulders, lower back and neck….today I continue with regular appointments,however, most times now a can say that I am here for a relaxing massage!  
When I speak with and observe others my age and younger, I am proud to say “no I don’t hurt”!
Because of Essentrics I have learned exercises to relieve pain, a stiff neck,sore back muscles, strengthen fingers, toes and ankles along with a much improved balance!  I plan to become an active, fit and healthy “old lady”!
Thanks so much Milissa for introducing me to Essentrics and helping me to change my life! – Lynne

 I love how Milissa intuitively feels exactly what my body needs! So grateful to have her as my massage provider – Sherri
